Study Group Synthetic Biology

With the advent of synthetic biology, an interdisciplinary and promising branch of research has emerged at the interface of molecular biology, organic chemistry, engineering and information technology.
The aim of synthetic biology is to design and construct biological systems that do not yet exist in nature. It is explicitly not only about gaining scientific knowledge, but above all about the customized development of biological systems for a wide range of issues and applications.

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Prof. Dr. Matias Zurbriggen
Universität Düsseldorf
Inst. für Synthetische Biologie
Universitätsstr. 1, Geb. 26.12.U1.25
40225 Düsseldorf
T. 0211 8115015

Prof. Dr. Gil Gregor Westmeyer
Technische Universität München 
Munich School of BioEngineering
Boltzmannstrasse 11
85748 Garching
T. 089 31872123